
Saturday 19 January 2013

What a Beginning to 2013

I hope that the last week or so isn't an indication of the way 2013 is going to go.  My husband had to have minor surgery on the Thursday.  We had decided that Friday would be the perfect time to get our furnace replaced.  Todd could just sit in the recliner while the workers were here and relax.  However, we found out a couple of days before that the teachers were planning to strike.  I managed to book the day off so that my hubbie wouldn't have to chase the kids around and so that I could take the kids out for part of the day to let him rest.

As it turned out, Friday morning, the teachers' protest didn't happen.  My oldest wanted to go to school and my youngest had spent the night with her grandma.  Perfect, I could go to work.  Before I could even think about getting ready, I started to throw up.  That's right, the stomach flu.  Poor Todd spent the day trying to do extra things around the house and ended up being sore the next day.

The weekend seemed to go smoothly.  No one else got sick.  Monday started out great.  Todd was home for one more day, so there was no need to drag the kids out of bed at 6 am to go to the daycare.  I got to work and took one step out of my car and before I could do anything, my foot slipped on a patch of ice and went out from under me and I was on the ground.  On the way down, I scraped my shin on the car door and I banged my head on the cement.  One of the women that I work with had pulled in behind me and said, "I happened so fast, that it looked like you dove out of your car head first."  Although, I wasn't laughing at the time, now I keep thinking about how hilarious it must have looked!

Tuesday, we had the cable company coming.  We were getting cable tv (we used to have satellite), internet and telephone.  My mother-in-law came and waited at our house for the cable guy (I always think of Jim Carrey singing "Somebody to Love" when I say cable guy!)  We got home and everything was working great.  We got up the next morning, however, to discover that the phone wasn't working.  My husband went downstairs and was checking the phone lines and wiggled a few things around and got it working.  He came upstairs and about 5 minutes later, the phone was dead again.  He went back downstairs and it started working again and then 5 minutes later it wasn't again.  We decided that we would wait until after work and worry about it then, but it still wasn't working.  We went through the same things all over again.  Todd would go downstairs and would get it working and then 5 minutes later it would stop.  Todd got looking around and realized that a cable line and phone line ran side by side to the other side of the room.  There was a phone box and it was plugged into a receptacle that only worked when the light switch was on!  So, everytime Todd went downstairs he would turn on the light and the phone would work.  Then, when he came upstairs, he would turn the switch off and the phone would die

I figure that our luck has to change soon, I'll keep you posted.