
Monday 24 October 2011

My First Lesson

I just received my first lesson in Brendan Brazier's Thrive in 30 Program.  This is a free program that is emailed to you for convenience. There is a written portion and a short video to watch. Check out my previous blog for the link. 

This lesson focused on stress and diet.  I had never looked at stress in this way before, but he talked about two types of stress; complimentary stress and uncomplimentary stress.  Brazier defined these in simple terms.  Complimentary stress is stress that benefits you or is positive.  The examples given were the stress of studying for a test or the stress put on the body from exercising.  Uncomplimentary stress is stress that has no positive effects such as psychological stress or environmental stress.  The statistics that were given is that 60% of all stress that you experience is uncomplimentary and of that stress, 70% of it is what he calls nutritional stress, or stress put on the body from poor eating habits and choosing food that doesn't benefit the body nutritionally.

So let me get this straight, I can reduce the stress that I feel and that is placed on my body by feeding properly.  Okay, that makes sense, but I have never heard poor nutrition linked with stress before.  You may think that I am crazy, but when I hear it put like that, it kind of gives me an aha moment (Sorry, I think I just quoted Oprah).  It's not rocket science by any means, but when something is explained in a different manner, it can really make you think.

He continues on to give several suggestion (and good ones) on how to incorporate more fruits, veggies and whole foods into your diet and although he is vegan, there isn't any mention at this point on giving up meat.  It's more focused on making small changes to your diet to improve your energy and to reduce your reliance on things like caffeine and sugar to give you the stamina to make it through the day.  There is even a smoothie recipe at the end of the lesson if you want to give it a try!

I'm interested to see the next lesson to see what it leads to.  I'll keep you posted!

Sunday 23 October 2011


Okay, so I failed last week with the Meatless Monday.   I don't really know what happened.....okay, yes I do.  I was good in the morning.  I even ate Red River cereal with fruit.  But when it got to be dinner time, I had cooked a chicken for the rest of my family.    I couldn't resist.  Meatless Monday wasn't meatless anymore.  This week, just the way my menu planning worked out (yes, you did read that correctly, I plan my meals for the week on the weekend for the upcoming week), I am making my meatless day Wednesday.  Is that allowed???  Can  just change it to Meatless Wednesday???  Well, that's the way it's going to work. 

I have been looking for more reading material on the subject of vegan eating.  I had mentioned The Engine 2 Diet in a previous blog, but something that has caught my attention is The Thrive Diet.  The creator of these books (there are a few) is Brendan Brazier, a Canadian vegan triathlete.  He offers a free course called Thrive in 30. I have signed up and am waiting for my first lesson to arrive.  Brendan also help with the formulation of the Vega brand of products. 

Brendan's website is  I plan to review the first lesson when it arrives in my inbox.  I'd love to hear it if you have followed a vegan diet and how it made you feel.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Meatless Monday Anyone??

I have decided that with my hectic life, the first change I am going to make is to reinstitute Meatless Monday into my routine.  This just means that for one day a week, I am going to avoid meat.  The reason that I feel that this is an important step for myself and m family is because we eat too much meat.  Typically at our house, breakfast is meat free, but both lunch and dinner involve some form of meat.  I think that no matter whether you eat meat or are vegetarian or vegan, we can all agree that everything we eat should be in moderation (except maybe fruits and veggies).  I think that, speaking for myself, I eat too much meat (and other animal products). 

If you decide to try Meatless Monday, there is actually a website devoted to exactly that:
There are great menu ideas and lots of information as to why Meatless Monday is important to ourselves and society as a whole.

Anyone up to the challenge of one day a week of eating meatless?  I ask that you join me in this and post your recipes, successes and failures!  Check out the Meatless Monday recipe link on my page!!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Will This Be a Controversial Topic?? Veganism!

I have been having trouble deciding what to write about.  It's not that there aren't lots of things floating around in my head, but I never know how interesting other people will find them.  There is something that I would love to have a good discussion about.  There are varying degrees of it and different names for it, but the idea is the same.  Veganism....Plant Strong Living.....I went through a period of time this year when I spent a lot of time reading about it.  Vegan's avoid all animal products.  This means no meat, no dairy, no eggs, most avoid honey, some avoid refined sugar (which I have heard is refined using charred animal bones).  Also no leather.....nothing that has come from an animal. 

People who live plant strong eat no animal products and eat more whole foods, as close to their natural form as possible.  Bill Clinton follows this style of eating.  It has been touted by followers to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of and possibly reverse the effects of heart disease. 

I have been considering attempting the 28 day challenge that is on The Engine 2 website.  Take a look.
I'm still debating, but be sure that if I do, I will be blogging as often as I can about the day's menu and how I feel.  Anyone willing to join me?  Follow me here or on Facebook and let me know if you are up for a challenge, if I have a support group, maybe I can convince myself to try it for 28 days!

To the right of this post, is some recommended reading on this topic.  Consider reading up on it if you are unfamiliar.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Sorry This Has Taken So Long!!

I apologize for my absence.  We have had a busy few weeks here......I suppose that justifies my nickname, The Frantic Housewife.  Let me take a moment to fill you in.  For those of you who are also stay-at-home moms, you  know how busy life can be without anything else added in.  You are a cook, maid, chauffeur, laundry service, nurse, and many other things to everyone.  Then let's add in that I run a home daycare five days a week from 7 am to 6 pm.  Hence the franticness.

My son's hockey season has just begun....and so has arena life.  I try to be at as many games as I can be to cheer him on.  My husband helps coach.  This means quick dinners in the evening along with trying to squeeze in some homework time. 

My son also begged to go into Scouts. 
He has now joined the local cub pack.  We had to make a deal though.  The first sign that this is too much with hockey, if he doesn't get his homework done every week, he will have to give something up.  Right now, however, he is on his first camp out!
We just heard from one of the parents who is with him that he is having a great time!!  He doesn't want to head home until he has too!

My daughter just started ballet.  She is absolutely loving it!  Every week she comes home and shows us the new dance steps that she has learned.  One of my daycare kids saw her in her ballet outfit and asked me why she looked so beautiful :)

Then we discovered that there is a Girl Guide Unit in our town.  So we have signed her up as a Spark, and I signed up as a leader!
We are both so excited and are looking forward to having some adventures together. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, my husband is a volunteer firefighter, so now you can see why life here is frantic!!  I would love to hear what you do to make your life frantic!!

My kids are onely going to be young once and I hope that my husband and I can continue to support them as they participate in things to increase their confidence, independence and help them learn life skills.