
Sunday 23 October 2011


Okay, so I failed last week with the Meatless Monday.   I don't really know what happened.....okay, yes I do.  I was good in the morning.  I even ate Red River cereal with fruit.  But when it got to be dinner time, I had cooked a chicken for the rest of my family.    I couldn't resist.  Meatless Monday wasn't meatless anymore.  This week, just the way my menu planning worked out (yes, you did read that correctly, I plan my meals for the week on the weekend for the upcoming week), I am making my meatless day Wednesday.  Is that allowed???  Can  just change it to Meatless Wednesday???  Well, that's the way it's going to work. 

I have been looking for more reading material on the subject of vegan eating.  I had mentioned The Engine 2 Diet in a previous blog, but something that has caught my attention is The Thrive Diet.  The creator of these books (there are a few) is Brendan Brazier, a Canadian vegan triathlete.  He offers a free course called Thrive in 30. I have signed up and am waiting for my first lesson to arrive.  Brendan also help with the formulation of the Vega brand of products. 

Brendan's website is  I plan to review the first lesson when it arrives in my inbox.  I'd love to hear it if you have followed a vegan diet and how it made you feel.

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