
Sunday 6 November 2011

The Frantic Housewife : Human Guinea Pig

So I've been writing a lot about eating healthier and reading about vegetarianism and veganism.  I have been reading a lot out Brendan Brazier and his web program Thrive in 30.  Again, here's the link  It's free and new lessons are sent every few days to progress you through this 30 day program.   I also have been reading his book The Thrive Diet.  I mentioned in my last post some of the reasons that I am enjoying his book, but I don't think I talked about this.  I have read a lot of healthy eating books of all varieties, but I have never read a book that describes why I should be eating all the foods that are suggested.  I don't just mean, "eat vegetables because they have vitamins and minerals".  I mean, Brendan Brazier goes into great detail about why he added these foods to his diet, what they specifically provide to the body and how that will affect your energy levels and overall wellness.  I am actually reading the book for a second time because I feel that I may have missed something.  There is also a 12 week meal plan and many recipes.

So after having received 6 of the 12 emails from the Thrive in 30 program, I have decided to actually participate in it.  Which as you may remember from my last post, must mean that I am ready to divulge some personal information.  I'm going to give you the basic stats plus some other information of things that may change during this process.  Would I like to lose weight?  Absolutely, but the main reason that I am doing this is to gain more energy and generally feel better.

Age: 33
Height: 5'5"
Weight:  193 lbs.  (stop snickering)

I generally lack energy.  I get tired trying to keep up with my kids.  I go to bed between 9:30 and 10.  I usually can't sleep much past 6 or 6:30 am (probably because I go to bed early).  I suffered from post partum depression after my second child was born (5 years ago) and continue to take 3 different medications for it (one of which is to help me sleep).  I have frequent acne breakouts despite being in my 30s.  I drink 3 (very large) cups of coffee a day.  I drink alcohol rarely (due in large part to the medications that I take).  I have a very busy family.  My 8 year old is in hockey and Cubs, my 5 year old is in ballet and Sparks and my husband is a volunteer firefighter when he is not at his full time job.  I am currently a stay at home mom, but in a few weeks will be returning to my old job 3 day a week on the days my youngest is in school.  About 50% of the food we eat is processed.  My kids and husband have a love affair with chips.  Because I am the chief cook, some of the foods they eat will change slightly, but I will continue to cook meat and dairy products for them while I am going through this challenge.

The changes I am making for this first step are:

1. Eat a large salad for lunch each day (I plan to use some of the recipes in Brendan's book)
2. Have a smoothie each day (once I have a working blender?!?!?)
3. Have fruits and veggies for snacks (or my smoothie)
4. Reduce the amount of sugar I add to things (ie:coffee)
5. Reduce the amount of caffeine in my diet.

So at this point, I don't have to change my breakfast or lunch if I don't want to.  The point of this is to make gradual, sustainable changes, so that it is a lifestyle change.  I plan to post regularly about my progress, how I feel, etc, and occasionally I'll weigh in so that I can be held accountable.  I plan to put up a before picture as soon as I can.  If you decide to join me on this adventure, post some comments, or like me on Facebook and post comment that way.  I would appreciate the support!!

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