
Thursday 10 November 2011

Hmmmm.....Maybe This is Working....

I have started incorporating the suggestions from Lesson 2 of Brendan Brazier's Thrive in 30.  These are pretty simple. 
  1. Add more antioxidants into your diet.  - I added blueberries and blackberries into my smoothie.
  2. Add chlorella to your diet.  According to Brazier, chlorella is a single celled algae and is high
      in vitamin B12.  B12 is typically lacking in a vegan diet and needs to be supplemented.

  3. Brazier recommends that instead of concentrating on removing foods rom your diet that you try
      including more healthful and nutritious foods.  You will find that naturally you are eating less of the
      unhealthy foods that you were consuming before.

To ensure that I was getting the Chlorella and lots of vitamins, minerals and nutrients (although I know that I am getting far more the way I am eating now than I was), I purchased some Vega Whole Food Optimizer.  This is Brazier's own formulation.  It also contains Maca (which I will talk about in a later post) which is said to increase energy.

I do have to admit that after I had my smoothie with the Vega in it, I did feel fantastic.  In fact, I had a homemade energy bar in the morning, a smoothie midmorning and a large salad for lunch and I think I felt better than I have in a long time.  For dinner I had an omelette and toast and again had that heavy feeling, but found it passed quicker than on previous nights.

The only complaint I have (and my husband made it quite clear as well) is how much I have spent on groceries.  I feel that if I didn't need to buy the healthy foods that I am using plus the junk that MH wants, that it would not be as bad.  However, the Vega supplement was fairly expensive, plus, I had to buy some things that only have to be bought on occasion (coconut oil, large amount of almond, etc.).

I do love the way that I am feeling by doing this, and am going to see it through for the full 30 days (especially so that I can post my results).  After that,  will let you know where I go from there. 

Bear with me as I start Day 5!!

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