
Wednesday 2 November 2011

I'm Going to Talk About the Plant Based Nutrition Guru, Brendan Brazier

If you've been reading my previous posts, you know that I enjoy reading about plant based nutrition (note, however, that I am presently not following any real eating plan and I do eat meat <for now>).  I have subscribed for a free online program that was designed by Canadian triathlete and plant based nutrition educator, Brendan Brazier.  It is called Thrive in 30 and here's the link: 

I previously reviewed lesson 1 and have since received lessons 2 through 4.  It is really worth signing up if you wish to get the full lessons.  Brendan provides a video plus a written lesson where he goes into detail about the steps to change your diet.  He explains why certain foods are very important in your diet and why you should avoid other foods.  Below I will give a brief description of the lessons, but please, please PLEASE, consider signing up to the Thrive in 30 program.  I will do it no justice and the information is amazing.

Lesson 2  - High Net Gain Nutrition
In this lesson, Brendan describes what he means my high net gain nutrition and in doing so, he talks about the importance of eating good quality whole foods.  The reason that this is important is the typical diet of highly refined food lacks many nutrients and vitamins and is also more difficult for the body to digest.  So, your body is expending a large amount of energy to digest the food and not receiving much usable energy in return.  That's why many people are fatigued throughout most of their day.  They are using so much energy to digest their food and are actually left with an energy deficit afterwards. 

Brendan also shows that despite what you may hear, that plant based diets do not need to lack certain nutrients and vitamins and shows you what to eat to ensure that you are not deficient in these.

Lesson 3 - Myth Busting- The Whole(food) Truth About Protein, Carbs and Fats
In this lesson, Brendan explains why you don't need to eat animal protein and that plant based protein is easier to digest. I was surprised to hear that soy based protein isn't the ideal protein source, but the explanation he offer was great. He also encourages and lists how to choose good quality fats carbs and proteins.  There are some great substitutes for some popular comfort foods.

Lesson 4 - Alkaline Vs. Acid. Why Your Body's pH Matters
One of the first things described in this lesson was that osteoporosis is affecting people at a younger and younger age.  The cause?  According to the Thrive in 30 program, the cause is the amount of acid forming foods that are consumed.  Acid forming foods include animal products (meat, dairy, etc.) and refined foods.  Brendan suggests trading in an acid forming meal for alkaline foods (large salad of leafy greens) for a couple of days and noting any changes in how you feel.

It is suggested that shifting to an alkaline diet will help improve sleep, avoid disease, increase energy and lose weight.  Brendan makes it clear that this way of eating should not be looked at as a quick fix, but as a long term lifestyle change.

So that sums up the latest lessons I have received.  I also must tell you that I ordered The Thrive Diet by Brendan Brazier and that I have almst completed reading it.  I plan to read it through again before I comment much on it, but I am thoroughly enjoying it.  I think that part of the reason that I am liking it so much is because it is in no way preachy.  He explains everything based on his personal experience and although he is a high level athlete and he does write about that and ways that a plant based diet can be utilized to improve high level fitness, he also shows how it can be used by anyone to improve health and fitness.  The other thing that I love about it is that I have read many vegan and vegetarian books that focus on animal rights and appreciate the education in that area, but I have already heard it.  This book touches on environmental impact (which is very important), but it's main focus is nutrition and fueling the body properly.  The last thing that I noticed about this book is that although Brendan is the founder of the Vega line of products, he rarely writes about them.  There is imformation on the Vega line in the book, but he gives alternatives to using them.  He gives recipes for energy bars and smoothies and mentions his products as convenient for when you don't have the time to prepare other items yourself. 

I look forward to completing the book and receiving more lessons, so that I con pass the information on.  At some point soon. I plan to start utilizing the Thrive in 30 and blogging my results with weight, energy and any other way it may affect me.  I'm just waiting until I get up the courage to post my weight, measurements and maybe even a before picture :O 

As Brendan stresss in his lessons, it's about making gradual change so that you can stick to it and so the body undergoes the least amount of stress possible while improving your diet.  Feel free to join me on this adventure....I'd love to hear your feedback!

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